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Technology Development Subcommittee
Technology Demonstration Subcommittee: comprised of members with technical expertise relevant to inform the utilization of the ISSInternational Space Station National Lab for the purpose of demonstrating, developing, or testing new space technologies that may not align with NASA’s exploration technology development programs.
Technology Development Subcommittee members
Henry Hanson, Ph.D.
Technology Development Subcommittee Chair
Ryan Elliott
In Orbit Aerospace, Inc
Brian Hess
RevBio, Inc.
Lisa McKerracher, Ph.D.
BioAxone BioSciences, Inc
Austin Morris
Kall Morris, Inc
Elena Plis
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Joe Pawelski
CisLunar Industries
Interested in learning more about the UAC(Abbreviation: UAC) A committee that provides CASIS with user input and perspective about the management of ISS National Lab resources.?