BioServe Atmosphere Control Module

Short Name: CO2 Incubator Controller

Facility Description

ACM, or the CO2 Incubator Controller, is a SABL-insert that adds functionality to control the SABL experiment volume atmosphere, typically to 5% CO2 which is the standard concentration used in Earth-based mammalian cell culture. The development of ACM has been a major enabler for multiple cell culture studies performed on ISS. Although ambient CO2 levels are typically ~0.04% on Earth and ~0.5% on ISS, the 5% CO2 environment provided by ACM serves two major functions:

  1. Moderation of pH. In combination with bicarbonate ions provided in the growth medium, 5% CO2 provides an effective mimic to the bicarbonate pH buffering system found in mammalian blood streams. The buffer system keeps the cell culture pH at a nominal level in the absence of other pH regulating systems, such as the kidneys.
  2. Replication of the high CO2 environment found within mammalian body tissues. This high concentration is fundamentally caused by a combination of cellular metabolism and the limited gas transport capability of the blood stream. High concentrations of CO2 can impact cellular metabolism due to competitive enzymatic reaction dynamics (hemoglobin is a well-known example).


  • Controllable CO2 concentration ranging from ambient (0.5%) up to 8% CO2 (5% typical)
  • Fast CO2 refills following incubator door opening/closing
  • Circulation fan to increase homogenous CO2 distribution within the experiment volume
  • Environmental monitoring for CO2 and pH
  • Capable of long-term autonomous operation on the order of months before requiring replacement

Current Status: Onboard

Availability: Please contact the facility manager

ISS Environment: Internal

Owner: BioServe Space Technologies

Operator/Implementation Partner:
BioServe Space Technologies

BioServe Space Technologies

Facility Manager:
Stefanie Countryman
BioServe Space Technologies

Manager Email:

Parent Facility: SABL

Child Facility:

Sponsoring Space Agency: NASA

Equipment Category: Capability

Additional Information:

BioServe ACM

BioServe Atmosphere Control Module