BioServe Atmosphere Control Module
Facility Description
ACM, or the CO2 Incubator Controller, is a SABL-insert that adds functionality to control the SABL experiment volume atmosphere, typically to 5% CO2 which is the standard concentration used in Earth-based mammalian cell culture. The development of ACM has been a major enabler for multiple cell culture studies performed on ISSInternational Space Station. Although ambient CO2 levels are typically ~0.04% on Earth and ~0.5% on ISS, the 5% CO2 environment provided by ACM serves two major functions:
- Moderation of pH. In combination with bicarbonate ions provided in the growth medium, 5% CO2 provides an effective mimic to the bicarbonate pH buffering system found in mammalian blood streams. The buffer system keeps the cell culture pH at a nominal level in the absence of other pH regulating systems, such as the kidneys.
- Replication of the high CO2 environment found within mammalian body tissues. This high concentration is fundamentally caused by a combination of cellular metabolism and the limited gas transport capability of the blood stream. High concentrations of CO2 can impact cellular metabolism due to competitive enzymatic reaction dynamics (hemoglobin is a well-known example).
- Controllable CO2 concentration ranging from ambient (0.5%) up to 8% CO2 (5% typical)
- Fast CO2 refills following incubator door opening/closing
- Circulation fan to increase homogenous CO2 distribution within the experiment volume
- Environmental monitoring for CO2 and pH
- Capable of long-term autonomous operation on the order of months before requiring replacement
Current Status: Onboard
Availability: Please contact the facility manager
ISS Environment: Internal
Owner: BioServe Space Technologies
Operator/Implementation Partner:
BioServe Space Technologies
BioServe Space Technologies
Facility Manager:
Stefanie Countryman
BioServe Space Technologies
Manager Email:
Parent Facility: SABL
Child Facility:
Sponsoring Space Agency: NASA
Equipment Category: Capability
Additional Information: