Facility Description
Redwire’s Greenhouse provides a privately-owned and operated, commercial platform capable of growing plants from seed to maturity in space (Redwire currently manages NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration Advanced Plant Habitat, now aboard ISSInternational Space Station). Greenhouse is scalable, to enable research using larger populations of plants or simply taller plants than other on-orbit facilities, and simple enough to be disposable, thereby minimizing cost and precious on-orbit stowage volume.
Plants can be rooted in already flight-qualified Passive Orbital Nutrient Delivery System (PONDS) modules, Vegetable Production System (Veggie) Plant Pillows, or other novel support hardware. Greenhouse will enable critical research for crop production in space to benefit future long-duration human spaceflight and expand opportunities for scientific discovery to improve crop production on Earth by assessing how plants respond to the novel environment of microgravityThe condition of perceived weightlessness created when an object is in free fall, for example when an object is in orbital motion. Microgravity alters many observable phenomena within the physical and life sciences, allowing scientists to study things in ways not possible on Earth. The International Space Station provides access to a persistent microgravity environment..
Current Status: In Flight Rotation
Availability: Available. Please contact the facility manager.
ISS Environment: Internal
Owner: Redwire Space
Operator/Implementation Partner:
Redwire Space
Redwire Space
Facility Manager:
Dave Reed
Redwire Space
Manager Email:
Parent Facility:
Child Facility:
Sponsoring Space Agency: NASA
Equipment Category: Capability