KEyence Research MIcroscope Testbed

Short Name: KERMIT

Facility Description

The Keyence BZ-X800E All-In-One Fluorescence Microscope system was delivered to the ISS in early 2021 and is available for in-orbit imaging.


  • Imaging: Fluorescence, brightfield, phase contrast, oblique illumination
  • Transmitted light source: 3.7 W LED
  • Excitation lamp: 80W metal halide lamp with board wavelength range from UV to IR
  • Objective lenes: 2x, 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x
  • Filters: DAPI, GFP, TRITC, Texas Red, Cy5, Polarizer
  • Holders: Slide holder (up to three standard 1”x3” slides), well plate holder (standard well plates up to 384 wells), 35 mm dish (standard dishes), versatile and custom holders also available
  • XY stage motion range: 114 x 80 mm (4.49” x 3.15”)
  • Z stage motion range: 8 mm (0.31”) stroke, minimum 0.1 µm pitch

Observation and Capture Modules:

  • Image cytometry module: Capture and analyze several sample areas sequentially in large volumes
  • Advanced observation modules
  • Z-stack imaging: Capture sample cross sections to render fully focused images of thick samples or create 3D renderings
  • Image stitching: Capture large sample areas at high magnification by combining multiple images of a designated sample area into one image
  • Sectioning module: Uses structured illumination to create confocal-type images
  • Time-lapse module: Capture images at regular time intervals for a specified number of intervals to measure chronological changes to a sample over time (e.g., RGB brightness or morphology changes)
  • Video recording module: Record the sample observation area up to 3,600 seconds at a time

Analysis Applications:

  • Hybrid cell counting module: Visually separate, count, and measure cells; save and apply counting conditions to multiple images for repeatable results
  • Macro cell counting module: Analyze batch images of multiple sample areas simultaneously using specified parameters to generate statistical data such as heat maps, histograms, and bar graphs
  • Image stitching: Combine up to 50,000 x 50,000 pixels into a single image
  • Measurement module: Measure distance, radius, angles, multipoint line length, circle or free-form area
  • 3D application module: Transform Z-stack images into 3D renderings and XYZ cross-sectional views
  • Motion tracking module: Automatically tracks a selected sample target to measure travel range, speed, and movement over time

Current Status: Onboard

Availability: Please contact the facility manager

ISS Environment: Internal

Owner: NASA

Operator/Implementation Partner:
Leidos Innovations Corporation

Keyence Corporation

Facility Manager:
William Therrien
Leidos Innovations Corporation

Parent Facility: MSRR-1

Child Facility:

Sponsoring Space Agency: NASA

Equipment Category: Capability

Additional Information:


KEyence Research MIcroscope Testbed