Maintenance Work Area

Short Name: MWA

Current Status: Onboard

The Maintenance Work Area (MWA) provides a general maintenance area for ISS crew members to perform tasks. The MWA is comprised of three primary components: the MWA Work Surface Area (WSA), the MWA Containment System, and the MWA Utility Kit. The WSA is a folding table-like surface that provides a rigid surface to perform tasks. The Containment System is designed to contain any small particles that may be generated during crew activities using the MWA. The Utility Kit provides items to aid in the setup of the WSA and the Containment System. The MWA can be used to house experiments that do not require the MSG, such as the Capillary Flow Experiment (CFE).

Parent Facility:

Child Facility: CFE

ISS Environment: Internal

Facility Owner: NASA

Facility Manager: Tony Quandt | NASA Johnson Space Center

Manager Email: [email protected]

Operator/Implementation Partner: NASA

Developer(s): NASA Johnson Space Center

Sponsoring Space Agency: NASA

Maintenance Work Area