Pharmaceutical In-space Laboratory – Bio-crystal OptimizationeXperiments
Facility Description
The Redwire Pharmaceutical In-space Laboratory – Bio-crystal Optimization eXperiments (PIL-BOX) provides services to pharmaceutical and institutional researchers seeking to use target molecules (large and small) in their crystalline state to reformulate existing products and/or develop formulations for new products. Some PIL-BOXes include real-time microscopic observation of crystal growth in multiple automated mixing experiments. This will allow for real-time hardware performance optimization, the identification of causal relationships, and the immediate evaluation of the success of the growth process, providing researchers with empirical data that they can compare with data derived from ground control experiments.
Current Status: In Flight Rotation
Availability: Available. Please contact the facility manager.
ISS Environment: Internal
Owner: Redwire Space
Operator/Implementation Partner:
Redwire Space
Redwire Space
Facility Manager:
Stephen Tuma
Redwire Space
Manager Email:
Parent Facility: ADSEP
Child Facility:
Sponsoring Space Agency: NASA
Equipment Category: Capability
Additional Information:
PIL-BOXes are flight proven. Every cargo spacecraft, and some crew vehicles, carry a PIL-BOX to the ISS for research and manufacturing.