Ring Sheared Drop

Short Name: RSD

Facility Description

The Ring-Sheared Drop (RSD) system is a containerless biochemical reactor designed for fluids physics, pharmaceutical, and biological research in microgravity. The RSD system is deployed for operations in the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) in the U.S. Laboratory Module (Destiny). Two science campaigns have been successfully completed using the RSD system, and two more are in development.

The RSD system deploys and pins a liquid drop between two contact rings within a test cell enclosure. The system can induce shear flow into the drop by rotating one contact ring at user-defined rates. Still imagery and real-time video of the drop is available during drop deployment, dwell, shear, and retraction. Science can be obtained using imagery of samples in orbit, return of processed samples, or a combination of imagery and sample return. A sample syringe kit and test cell are provided for each science sample. Cold stowage is available for all phases of the mission.

The RSD system has two components that bolt to the floor of the MSG. The electronics box contains power converters, computers, etc. and provides the power and data interfaces to the MSG. The experiment unit includes the dispensing assembly, test cell, rotation motor, microscope assembly, camera assembly, and lighting modules.

Current Status: On Ground

Availability: Please contact the facility manager

ISS Environment: Internal

Owner: NASA

Operator/Implementation Partner:
Tec-Masters, Inc.

NASA Glenn Research Center

Facility Manager:
Mala Thompson
Tec-Masters, Inc.

Manager Email:

Parent Facility: MSG

Child Facility:

Sponsoring Space Agency: NASA

Equipment Category: Capability

Additional Information:

Past RSD investigations on NASA’s SSRE

Ring Sheared Drop