Variable Gravity Machine

Short Name: VGM

Facility Description

The VGM is a SABL insert that supports a wide variety of research in the life, physical, and material sciences aboard the ISS. The VGM allows for variable gravity experiments up to 7.1g while in a microgravity environment. This simulated gravity range covers not only the gravity levels of the Moon and Mars, but also 1g to provide on-orbit comparison studies with terrestrial ground controls. Additionally, this gravity range can provide on-orbit seeding of anchorage-dependent cell cultures from frozen vials to BioCell cell culture plates. The VGM was designed to work in conjunction with the Atmosphere Control Module (ACM) (5% CO2) inside of the temperature-controlled SABL while using SABL’s power.

VGM is a novel research capability that increases the range of cell culture experiments because anchorage-dependent cells can be seeded on orbit rather than navigating the time and maintenance constraints of supporting viable cultures. This has the advantage of higher scientific accuracy because cells can be launched frozen and returned frozen/preserved without active growth/metabolism phases in 1g. In addition, frozen cultures allow for more operational flexibility once on orbit (as opposed to immediate cell maintenance required upon docking/unpacking). Frozen cells are stable for longer periods of time and the experiment can be conducted up to weeks after docking. This helps reduce pressure on crew time during an already busy time immediately after spacecraft dockings.

VGM is compatible with all of BioServe’s BioCell variants which are specifically designed with gas permeable membranes and for operation in microgravity. Additionally, VGM is compatible with commercial multiwell cell culture plates in various configurations from one to 96 wells. The BioCells or multiwell plates are installed into a cartridge in VGM by the crew through the use of a user-friendly BioCell Holder. The VGM can accommodate up to six cartridges at a time. Each cartridge is equipped with switchable 28V or 5V power and telemetry that can provide additional experiment support to a wide range of payloads and experimental designs, all commanded from the ground via BioServe’s Payload Operations Control Center (POCC).

Key Features
· Controllable gravity level up to 7.1g allows on-orbiting seeding of anchorage-dependent cells
– Partial and altered gravity studies, 1g on-orbit controls
· Versatile experiment design to include a wide array of BioCells or commercial multiwell plate hardware
· Near real-time monitoring of the state of VGM as well as experimental telemetry
· Commanded from the ground via BioServe’s POCC

Current Status: Onboard

Availability: Please contact the facility manager

ISS Environment: Internal

Owner: BioServe Space Technologies

Operator/Implementation Partner:
BioServe Space Technologies

BioServe Space Technologies

Facility Manager:
Stefanie Countryman
BioServe Space Technologies

Manager Email:

Parent Facility: SALI

Child Facility:

Sponsoring Space Agency: NASA

Equipment Category: Capability

Additional Information:

BioServe VGM

Variable Gravity Machine