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Contact: John Selmarten

Axiom Space simplifies access to the ISS for research and in-space manufacturing while constructing the world’s first commercial space station as a platform for a global user base.  Axiom thus offers full-service solutions for access to Low Earth Orbit now and into the future. Its team has been involved in every ISS mission since the program’s inception and features industry-leading expertise in commercial utilization of microgravity, space systems engineering, and space operations. This seasoned touch incorporates all aspects of station integration and ensures customers can focus on – and maximize – their project objectives.

For all users seeking to study and innovate on ISS, Axiom’s lower-cost, turnkey solution includes:

  • Hardware development support including design, testing, and manufacturing of flight systems to support customer objectives
  • Spacecraft payload integration and flight processing
  • Mission development, planning, and execution services
  • Business development support for growth of in-space industrial research and manufacturing use cases
  • Unique research accommodations and services aboard Axiom’s private crew missions to the ISS