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Step 1B: Technology Roadmap Online Submission Form for NLRAThe abbreviation for an ISS National Lab Research Announcement. NLRAs are one of the ISS National Lab’s primary mechanisms to solicit proposals in specific research areas. 2024-9
All invited offerors must submit their Step 1B: Technology Roadmap and other required forms where requested on the online technology roadmap submission form. To access the form, click the “GO TO TECHNOLOGY ROADMAP SUBMISSION FORM” button at the bottom of this page. In addition to uploading any required documents there, offerors must complete all questions asked on the online form. Uploaded documents can be removed and replaced as needed prior to submission.
During Step 1B: Technology Roadmap preparation, offerors must talk with an Implementation Partner(Abbreviation: IP) Commercial companies that work with the ISS National Lab to provide services related to payload development, including the translation of ground-based science to a space-based platform. to outline and align the phases of the proposed project that would influence a statement of work.
Instructions for Completing the Technology Roadmap Submission Form:
- The form can be saved at any juncture, allowing for submission at a later time, by selecting the “Save and Exit” button at the bottom of the page. However, access to the form ends after the specified technology roadmap submission deadline. Upon opting for this feature, an email containing a link to access the partially completed form will be sent.
- To submit a Step 1B: Technology Roadmap form to CASIS(Abbreviation: CASIS™) The nonprofit organization that manages the ISS National Lab, which receives at least 50 percent of the U.S. research allocation on the International Space Station to facilitate research that benefits humanity (NASA manages the other 50% and focuses on research for space exploration purposes)., click the “submit” button, and you will receive a prompt confirmation email.
- Throughout form completion, informative tooltips are available, identifiable by the (i) icon, which, when hovered over, provide supplemental details.
Offerers can also view a document listing the information requested on the technology roadmap submission form. We advise offerors to work offline using the requested information document as a reference before entering information on the online submission form.
The deadline for Step 2: Technology Roadmap submissions is December 10, 2024.
Offerors can access valuable information by viewing Applicant Resources for ISS National Lab Research Opportunities. For inquiries concerning this online technology roadmap form or the research announcement, please contact info@ISSNationalLab.org and reference NLRA 2024-9 in the subject line.