20 Years of Student Experiments Using the ISS
The same assets that make the ISSInternational Space Station a powerful laboratory for scientists also make it an invaluable platform for student research investigations and educational outreach. Space Station Explorers is a community of educators, learners, and organizations that make learning science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fun and exciting through connections with the ISS National Lab. The CASIS(Abbreviation: CASIS™) The nonprofit organization that manages the ISS National Lab, which receives at least 50 percent of the U.S. research allocation on the International Space Station to facilitate research that benefits humanity (NASA manages the other 50% and focuses on research for space exploration purposes). education team collected data from 17 programs that have enabled student experiments on the ISS for a comprehensive study that examines the number of students engaged, the types of experiments and learning activities, the demographics of student participants, and the depth of the experience. Over the past 20 years, 2.6 million U.S. students in primary and secondary school have designed, launched, operated, or used data from the more than 800 student experiments launched to the ISS as part of these programs.
Download this Report to learn more about the student experiments this community has enabled over the past 20 years of continuous human presence onboard the ISS.