Passive Orbital Nutrient Delivery System

Short Name: PONDS

Current Status: In Flight Rotation

The Passive Orbital Nutrient Delivery System (PONDS), first conceived by scientists at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, has been developed for flight in NASA’s Vegetable Production System (Veggie) facility by Redwire in conjunction with its commercial partner, Tupperware Brands. It requires no power, and limited astronaut crew time. It has flown to the ISS three times, so far.

Additional Information:

Flown three times aboard the ISS. Great when used in combination with the Redwire Greenhouse.

Parent Facility: Greenhouse; VEGGIE

Child Facility:

ISS Environment: Internal

Facility Owner: Redwire Space Technologies, Inc.

Facility Manager: Dave Reed | Redwire Space Technologies, Inc.

Manager Email: [email protected]

Operator/Implementation Partner: Redwire Space Technologies, Inc.

Developer(s): Redwire Space Technologies, Inc.

Sponsoring Space Agency: NASA

Passive Orbital Nutrient Delivery System