Dragon Returns to Earth with Abundance of Life Science Research in Tow

The SpaceX Dragon cargo spacecraft approaches the ISS

The SpaceX Dragon cargo spacecraft approaches the ISS for docking on November 11, 2023.

Media Credit: NASA

December 22, 2023 • By Amy Thompson, Staff Writer

A SpaceX Dragon spacecraft returned to Earth after spending more than 30 days docked to the International Space Station (ISS). The cargo capsule supported SpaceX’s 29th Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) mission, which returned to Earth on December 22. The spacecraft was packed with a host of research projects, including many life science investigations, sponsored by the ISS National Laboratory® to improve the lives of patients on Earth.

Here’s a look at some of the science payloads that recently returned to Earth.

Melanin Microbes

Aspergillus niger is a naturally occurring melanized fungus that is part of a U.S. Naval Research Laboratory project on the ISS

Aspergillus niger is a naturally occurring melanized fungus that is part of a U.S. Naval Research Laboratory project to search for melanin variants and other useful biomaterials that have applications both on Earth and in space.

Media Credit: Jonathan Steffen and the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

A project from Naval Research Laboratory examined how microgravity and cosmic radiation affect microbes’ propensity to produce melanin, a natural pigment known for its ability to protect against harmful environmental factors such as radiation and chemicals. Exposing the microbes to space could lead to new melanin variants for applications ranging from improved drug delivery and stability to radiation-resistant protective coatings for spacecraft and more.

Liver Cells in Space

Astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli works on a liver cell investigation on the ISS

Astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli works on a liver cell investigation in the life sciences glovebox.

Media Credit: NASA

An investigation from the University of California, San Francisco studied tissue chips containing immune cells and liver cells in space to better understand the relationship between immune system aging and the ability of liver cells to regenerate. The research team will next look for possible ways to slow the aging process and enhance the liver healing process for patients on Earth.

Brain Cells Assemble!

Human brain assembloid model

Human brain assembloid model of iPSC-derived neurons and glia, expressing a neuron-specific AAV gene.

Media Credit: BioServe Space Technolgies/Neuronix

Tucked inside the Dragon spacecraft were two investigations that focused on microgravity’s effects on stem cell-derived brain organoids, which are three dimensional cellular structures that simulate the human brain.

One project from biotech startup Axonis, examined how microgravity affects the maturation of human brain cells as they form three dimensional spheroids that mimic certain aspects of the human brain. Findings will help advance disease modeling and could lead to the development of new therapies to treat neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, in patients on Earth.

A separate investigation from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), which builds on previous space station research, studied microgravity’s effects on stem-cell derived brain organoids. The project leveraged accelerated aging in space to better understand how cognitive decline happens in the human brain. Results from this investigation could help shed light on the mechanisms behind Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders.

Engineered Heart Tissue

NASA astronaut Frank Rubio works on a cardiac investigation on the ISS

NASA astronaut Frank Rubio works on a cardiac investigation from Emory University in the life sciences glovebox.

Media Credit: NASA/BioServe Space Technologies

A team of researchers from Emory University continued research that studies how microgravity affects the growth and function of heart muscle cells as they mature into tissue-like structures. Findings will help advance cardiac disease modeling and could lead to the development of new therapies to treat heart disease in patients on Earth.

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