Join Us for Virtual ISSRDC2020


The International Space Station Research and Development Conference (ISSRDC) is entering its ninth year of bringing together space industry leaders, researchers, the space community, and the public to learn more about what is taking place onboard the orbiting laboratory. While this year’s conference lacks the ability to join one another in person, the all-virtual format will still provide a forum for sharing valuable insights and updates about the recent progress and future plans made possible through low Earth orbit (LEO).

The theme for this year’s conference, From Vision to Discovery, calls for us to collectively focus on how the past can better inform future science and opportunities to enable new LEO markets and advance exploration goals so that humankind can land healthy and safely on the moon in the coming years.

As this year’s conference goes virtual, spreading plenary session dates out over a three-month window will provide interested viewers ample time to plan in advance to join sessions pertinent to their interests and careers.

  • On Day One of plenary sessions (August 27), there will be a strong focus on NASA-led commercialization initiatives, agency and space station-related scientific overviews, along with an update on the evolution of the U.S. National Laboratory. As we near 20 years of continuous human presence in space, join us as we discuss critical updates and plans.
  • Day Two (September 17) will take a deeper dive into the business trends of researchers leveraging the ISS. Join us to learn about the many pathways to commercialization of the research and technology development performed on the space station.
  • The final day of the conference, Day Three (October 22), will touch on myriad science and educational activities, with the last session of the day focusing on the 20 years of student investigations enabled by the ISS. Join us to discover the latest examples of how space station science impacts healthcare, technology, and educational outreach on Earth.

This year will also include a multiple technical sessions and workshops available to the research community. Additional information, including topics, dates, and times are presently available on the ISSRDC conference website.

For those that are interested in sponsorship opportunities – virtual ISSRDC has a sponsorship package that is available upon request! Interested partners are encouraged to email Lindsey Bolduc at to learn more about sponsorship options.

While we have all faced challenges this year, and ISSRDC 2020 Online Series will look a bit different, there is much to be communicated and celebrated since our last gathering. In the coming days and weeks, more information will be distributed on registration, speakers, and specific sessions designed to help our community share exciting updates and plans made possible through the ISS and its use as a platform for innovation and a business incubator in LEO.

We look forward to sharing additional news on ISSRDC 2020 in the coming days and weeks and hope that you can take time to join us in learning more about how the space station is expanding the LEO economy and informing exploratory capabilities that will take us to the moon and beyond!

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