R&D in Space: A New Frontier for Innovation

ISS048E069880 - Flight engineer Kate Rubins makes preparations for the Run 2 sample initialization of the Biomolecule Sequencer experiment. Image was taken in the Destiny U.S. Laboratory
Media Credit: NASA
Space has become an increasingly attractive destination for research, manufacturing and more, as its microgravityThe condition of perceived weightlessness created when an object is in free fall, for example when an object is in orbital motion. Microgravity alters many observable phenomena within the physical and life sciences, allowing scientists to study things in ways not possible on Earth. The International Space Station provides access to a persistent microgravity environment. environment offers a unique platform for scientific exploration. Microgravity causes changes in biological systems and alters fundamental physical phenomena, enabling novel experiments. Since 2011, the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space has selected more than 200 research projects, ranging from developing new drug therapies to monitoring tropical cyclones, and launched them to the ISSInternational Space Station National Lab where ground-breaking discoveries are being made using this unique orbiting research facility.