Upward Issue 2 – the quarterly magazine of the ISS National Lab

UpwardMag2 Cover 3

Delve into issue 2 of Upward to learn about more exciting research on the ISS National Lab. In this issue, Kenneth Savin, advisor for clinical innovation at Eli Lilly and Company, shares his perspective on the value that designing experiments to fly on the ISS has brought to the global pharmaceutical company. Peer inside bones to see what researchers are learning about the role of gravity and osteocytes (a type of bone cell) in bone health. Discover how a researcher and her company are bringing lifelike motion to prosthetic limbs through materials science research on the ISS. And read along as a high school student’s dream takes flight when her Genes in Space™ experiment launches to the ISS. Explore Upward!

Download Issue 2 Now!

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