NLRA 2025-1: ISS National Lab Research Announcement For Follow-On Projects

NLRA 2025-1: ISS National Lab Research Announcement For Follow-On Projects

This ISS National Lab Research Announcement (NLRA) invites proposals from past principal investigators or organizations that have successfully completed a previous ISS National Lab-sponsored project. Offerors should aim to continue or extend their previous scientific, technical, or educational projects, demonstrating how their proposed work builds upon the results of their earlier efforts.

Flight projects selected through this research announcement may receive funding to support mission integration and operations for implementation on the ISS.

Solicitation #:
NLRA 2025-1

NLRA Open Period:
Begins 10/18/2024

Strategic Focus:

Research Area:

NASA astronaut and Expedition 71 Flight Engineer Tracy C. Dyson cleans the inside of the Life Science Glovebox located aboard the International Space Station's Kibo laboratory. Dyson had earlier completed stem cell research operations exploring ways to advance cellular manufacturing and improve human health.

Media Credit: NASA

In collaboration with NASA, CASIS has identified multiple ISS National Lab lines of business that align with strategic priorities to bring value to the nation and foster a robust, scalable market in low Earth orbit (LEO). Proposals will be evaluated within the following lines of business:

  • Fundamental Science: Research in microgravity or space environments designed to advance knowledge in scientific fields without necessarily aiming for economic output.
  • In-Space Production Applications: Research and development (R&D) in LEO focused on scalable, sustainable manufacturing processes with market potential and opportunities for investment.
  • Technology Development/Demonstration: Applied R&D to advance technologies, with a focus on commercial applications.
  • STEM Education and Workforce Development: Programs that leverage space-based research to build a STEM-capable workforce, particularly targeting underrepresented groups, students, and educators.

Steps For Applying To This Research Opportunity

This research announcement will follow a two-step proposal submission process. First, offerors must submit a Step 1: Letter of Intent, which will be reviewed to determine eligibility to submit a full proposal. Only those who pass this initial step will be invited to proceed to Step 2: Full Proposal submission.

Please note: Step 1: Letters of Intent and Step 2: Full Proposals (upon invitation) will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Update Notice: The “Instructions to Offerors” document was revised on January 15, 2025. Ensure you are using the updated version by downloading the latest materials.

For answers to common questions related to this ISS National Lab Research Announcement, please click here to view the FAQs.

Download the NLRA 2025-1 Instructions

  • Step 1: Letters of Intent will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Note: The “Instructions to Offerors” document was revised on January 15, 2025. Ensure you are using the updated version by downloading the latest materials.

Letters of intent must be submitted electronically using the submission form. Access to the form can be found by pressing the “Click to Submit” button below.

  • All offerors will be notified of the review results for their Step 1: Letter of Intent.
  • Upon invitation, download the Step 2 Instructions
  • Step 2: Full Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Step 2.2: If you were invited to submit a Step 2: Full Proposal, upload your submission by pressing the “Click to Submit” button below. Please convert your document to a PDF prior to uploading.

Thank you for your interest in conducting research leveraging the ISS National Lab! For questions regarding this research announcement, please contact and reference NLRA2025-1 in the subject line.

Please note: There will not be a live informational webinar for this solicitation.

Export Control Notice

Please verify that none of the information submitted is subject to the export control laws of the United States, including the EAR or the ITAR. If any information is subject to such laws, please mark all pages containing such information and identify the appropriate export control jurisdiction and classification. 

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