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Appendix B: Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Appendix B: Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
- Aguilar M, Alpat B, Ambrosi G, et al. Properties of cosmic deuterons measured by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer. Phys Rev Lett. 2024;132:261001.
- Amselem S, Kogan D, Loboda O, et al. Monoclonal antibodies from space: Improved crystallization under microgravity during manufacturing in orbit. J Explor Res Pharm. 2024;9(2):96-105.
- Anand R, Lu K. Fate of polymer derived SiC monolith at different high temperatures. J Anal Appl Pyrol. 2024;178:106386.
- Anand R, Lu K. Understanding thermodynamic stability and carbothermal reduction in SiOC. Mat Chem Phys. 2024;316:129123.
- Bond JE, Yeh AJ, Edison JR, et al. Diffusion, density, and defects on spheres. Soft Matter. 2024;20:6371-6383.
- Boymelgreen A, Kunti G, Garcia-Sanchez P, Yossifon G. The influence of frequency and gravity on the orientation of active metallo-dielectric Janus particles translating under a uniform applied alternating-current electric field. Soft Matter. 2024;20:4143-4151.
- Cabrera-Booman F, Plihon N, Cal R, Bourgoin M. Tuning particle settling in fluids with magnetic fields. Exp Fluids. 2024;65:79.
- Cao X, Thomas D, Whitcomb L, et al. Modeling ionizing radiation-induced cardiovascular dysfunction with human iPSC-derived engineered heart tissues. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2024;188:105.
- Cardin K, Cabrera-Booman F, Cal RB. Droplet jump from a particle bed. J Soft Matter. 2024;20:2887-2891.
- Chang KM, Das D, Salvati III L, et al. Durable and impact-resistant thermoset polymers for the extreme environment of low Earth orbit. Extreme Mech Lett. 2024;64:102089.
- Chua CYX, Jimenez M, Mozneb M, et al. Advanced material technologies for space and terrestrial medicine. Nat Rev Mater. 2024;9:808-821.
- Cohen OE, Neuman S, Natan Y, et al. Amorphous calcium carbonate enhances osteogenic differentiation and myotube formation of human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells and primary skeletal muscle cells under microgravity conditions. Life Sci Space Res. 2024;41:146-157.
- Dinesh B, Brosius N, Corbin T, et al. Effect of a deep corrugated wall on the natural frequencies and the Faraday instability of a fluid interface. Phy Rev Fluids. 2024;9(7):073902.
- Doerr B, Albee K, Ekal M, et al. The ReSWARM microgravity flight experiments: Planning, control, and model estimation for on-orbit close proximity operations. J Field Robot. 2024:1-35.
- Dwivedi G, Flaman L, Alaybeyoglu B, et al. Effects of dexamethasone and IGF-1 on post-traumatic osteoarthritis-like catabolic changes in a human cartilage-bone-synovium microphysiological system in space and ground control tissues on Earth. Front Space Technol. 2024:5;1358412.
- Faber L, Yau A, Chen Y. Translational biomaterials of four-dimensional bioprinting for tissue regeneration. Biofabrication. 2023;16:012001.
- Forghani P, Rashid A, Armand LC, et al. Simulated microgravity improves maturation of cardiomyocytes derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Sci Rep. 2024;14(1):2243.
- Frick JJ, Ormsby R, Li Z, et al. Autoclave design for microgravity hydrothermal synthesis. Micro Sci Tech. 2024;36:23.
- Ganesh SC, Koplick J, Morris JF, Maldarelli C. Thermocapillary migration of a drop with a thermally conducting stagnant cap. J Colloid Interface Sci. 2024;657:982-992.
- Garmany A, Yamada S, Park S, et al. Plasma biomarkers of first all-civilian space flight to the International Space Station. Mayo Clin Proc. 2024;99(9):1523-1525.
- Hwang H, Rampoldi A, Forghani P, et al. Space microgravity increases expression of genes associated with proliferation and differentiation in human cardiac spheres. npj MicrogravityThe condition of perceived weightlessness created when an object is in free fall, for example when an object is in orbital motion. Microgravity alters many observable phenomena within the physical and life sciences, allowing scientists to study things in ways not possible on Earth. The International Space Station provides access to a persistent microgravity environment.. 2023;9:88.
- Ignatius IB, Dinesh B, Dietze GF, et al. Influence of parametric forcing on Marangoni instability. J Fluid Mech. 2024;981:A8.
- Jogdand A, Landolina M, Chen Y. Organs in orbit: How tissue chip technology benefits from microgravity, a perspective. Front Lab Chip Technol. 2024;3:1356688.
- Jones-Isaac KA, Lidberg KA, Yeung CK, et al. Development of a kidney microphysiological system hardware platform for microgravity studies. npj Microgravity. 2024;10:54.
- Kim S, Ayan B, Shayan M, et al. Skeletal muscle-on-a-chip in microgravity as a platform for regeneration modeling and drug screening. Stem Cell Rep. 2024;19(8):1061-1073.
- Kleischmann F, Luzzatto-Fegiz P, Meiburg E, et al. Pairwise interaction of spherical particles aligned in high-frequency oscillatory flow. J Fluid Mech. 2024;984: A57.
- Kocalar S, Miller BM, Huang A, et al. Validation of cell-free protein synthesis aboard the International Space Station. ACS Synth Biol. 2024;13(3):942-950.
- Li D, Armand LC, Sun F, et al. AMPK activator-treated human cardiac spheres enhance maturation and enable pathological modeling. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2023;14(1):322.
- Lian X, Karnaukh KM, Zhao L, et al. Dynamic manipulation of droplets on liquid-infused surfaces using photoresponsive surfactant. ACS Cent Sci. 2024;10:684-694.
- Lidberg KA, Jones-Isaac K, Yang J, et al. 2024. Modeling cellular responses to serum and vitamin D in microgravity using a human kidney microphysiological system. npj Microgravity. 2024;10:75.
- Mair DB, Tsui JH, Higashi T, et al. Spaceflight-induced contractile and mitochondrial dysfunction in an automated heart-on-a-chip platform. PNAS. 2024;121(40):e2404644121.
- Maldarelli C. Respiratory distress when a lung surfactant loses one of its two hydrophobic tails. PNAS. 2024;121(10):e2320426121.
- Plis EA, Badura G. The spectral characterization of novel spacecraft materials in the low Earth orbit environment. J Astronaut Sci. 2024;71:15.
- Ramirez SP, Hernandez I, Balcorta HV, et al. Microcomputed tomography for the microstructure evaluation of 3D bioprinted scaffolds. ACS Appl Bio Mater. 2023.
- Ren Z, Ahn EH, Do M, et al. Simulated microgravity attenuates myogenesis and contractile function of 3D engineered skeletal muscle tissues. npj Microgravity. 2024;10(1):18.
- Sands I, Demarco R, Thurber L, et al. Interface‐mediated neurogenic signaling: The impact of surface geometry and chemistry on neural cell behavior for regenerative and brain‐machine interfacing applications. Adv Mater. 2024;36(33):2401750.
- Scotti MM, Wilson BK, Bubenik JL, et al. Spaceflight effects on human vascular smooth muscle cell phenotype and function. npj Microgravity. 2024;10:41.
- Sharma A, Li Y, Liao YTT, et al. Effects of confinement on opposed-flow flame spread over cellulose and polymeric solids in microgravity. Microgravity Sci Tech. 2024;36:20.
- Sridhar K, Narayanan V, Bhavnani S. Enhanced heat transfer in microgravity from asymmetric sawtooth microstructure with engineered cavities. Int J Heat Mass Tran. 2024;22:125158.
- Sridhar K, Narayanan V, Bhavnani SH. Directional vapor mobility from asymmetric microstructured surfaces in an adverse gravity orientation. Exp Therm Fluid Sci. 2024;155:111203.
- Swope J, Mirza F, Dunkel E, et al. Benchmarking space mission applications on the Snapdragon processor onboard the ISS. J Aerosp Inf Syst. 2023;20(12):807-816.
- Trani ND, Masini A, Bo T, et al. Probing physicochemical performances of 3D printed carbon fiber composites during 8-month exposure to space environment. Adv Funct Mater. 2023;34:2310243.
- Velasco MÁ, Casaus J, Molero M. Determination of the anisotropy of elementary particles with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station. Adv Space Res. 2024;74(9):4346-4352.
- Waddell KA, Irace PH, Yablonsky G, et al. The kinetics and warm flame chemistry associated with radiative extinction of spherical diffusion flames. Combust Theory Model. 2024;28(4):441–458.
- Walsh JS, Graham S, Gorman AC, et al. Archaeology in space: The sampling quadrangle assemblages research experiment (SQuARE) on the International Space Station. Report 1: Squares 03 and 05. PloS ONE. 2024;19(8):e0304229.
- Whorton MS, Crassidis JL. Multi-user system for Earth sensing spacecraft attitude calibration and analysis. J Spacecr Rocket. 2024:1-13.
- Wubshet NH, Cai G, Chen SJ, et al. Cellular mechanotransduction of human osteoblasts in microgravity. npj Microgravity. 2024;10:35.
- Yair Y, Korzets M, Devir A, et al. Space-based optical imaging of blue corona discharges on a cumulonimbus cloud top. Atmospheric Research. 2024;305:107445.
- Zhang Q, Mo D, Moon S, et al. Bubble nucleation and growth on microstructured surfaces under microgravity. npj Microgravity. 2024;10:13.
- Zhang W, Chen Y. Recently published patents on Janus base nanomaterials for RNA delivery. Curr Org Chem. 2023;27(19):1738-1740.
- Zhang W, Chen Y. Self-assembled Janus base nanotubes: Chemistry and applications. Front Chem. 2024;11:1346014.