2019 ISSRDC Award: Development of Cloud-Based System for On-Demand Analysis of Large Data Sets Generated by Remote Sensing Instrumentation and On-Orbit Imagery

Dr. James Goodman of HySpeed Computing received a 2019 ISSSRDC award for compelling results in Earth science and remote sensing.
Each year, the International Space Station (ISS) Research and Development (R&D) Conference, held in coordination with the ISSInternational Space Station U.S. National Laboratory, NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the American Astronautical Society, highlights individuals who have pushed the boundaries of space-based research through the presentation of research awards. This week, we are spotlighting awardees in the category of “compelling results.” Today’s spotlight is on Dr. James Goodman of HySpeed Computing, for compelling results in the field of Earth science and remote sensing.
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Advances in remote sensing and satellite technology are resulting in a wealth of data that is currently outpacing processing capabilities. To address these data processing challenges and help make remote sensing data useful for the larger user community, HySpeed Computing launched an online web application providing remote sensing data analysis in the cloud: The Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO, a now-retired ISS imager) Image Processing System (IPS). Developed in part through ISS National Laboratory funding and support, HICO IPS efficiently delivered on-demand image analysis capabilities to a global user community. HySpeed Computing’s three fully operational commercial products, developed based on the HICO IPS cloud-processing framework, are now available through the CloudEO Store, a global marketplace for on-demand geoanalytics.

Learn more in these related resources:
- Constellations, Clouds, & the Conundrum of Big Data Processing: The Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean Image Processing System
- ISS National Lab Featured in Remote Sensing Magazine Apogeo Spatial
- New Ways to Analyze and Use Images from Space
You can also learn more about the groundbreaking research taking place on our nation’s only orbiting laboratory in Upward, the official magazine of the ISS National Laboratory! Visit Upward.ISSNationalLab.org to view the latest issue.